Welcome to the Mountain Spirit Guides Blog
I have written a blog for over ten years on Mountain Spirit's main blog, however I'm excited to write a series of posts that allow me to convey some the more spiritual experiences I've had over the years. Here is a proposed list: Expect to see the following stories, posted here as time permits, remembering that time is relative...
How My Great Grandfather Showed His Sense of Humor from the Other Side During a Clarvoyant's Session
By Randall Richards
Our son's "presence" showed himself to us at Mesa Verde two years before he was born
By Amanda Richards
My son showed up in a dream a year before he was born, presenting himself in a most humorous way
By Randall Richards
Pre-Historical Native American Comes Through with a Purpose to Communicate about the Power of Place in New Hampshire
By Randall Richards
Accounts of Channeling Music, How Sting, Elton John, Tom Petty, and even I, Bring Music Through
By Randall Richards
Past Lives, A Mountain Spirit Institute Trip Participant Suddenly Remembers Living in Ollantaytambo Peru
By Randall Richards
Messages from the other side. How my mother contacted me not long after her passing.
By Randall Richards
Past Live Regression, Was I really an Egyptian and I died by the sword? Ykes.
By Randall Richards
How we Followed A Spirit Guide's To-Do list in Order to Conceive a Child.
(You can't make this stuff up)
By Randall Richards
Hoʻoponopono, (Say What?) Hawaiian Practice of Reconciliation and Forgiveness. From Finding my Wife to Getting Out of Traffic Jams
By Randall Richards
My Story of Pilgrimage, Sage and Ceremony on the Oregon Trail
By Randall Richards